– Monica Mărgărit – project leader – from the data presented above, it is obvious she possesses the necessary expertise to coordinate the entire experimental activity, but also the fundamental research assumed by this project proposal. She has already coordinated three research projects, two of which were dedicated to the prehistoric osseous industry and was member in other eight national research projects. She was the main organizer of three international scientific conferences and she participated in over 40 international conferences/congresses. She is the author/co-author of four books and has edited two collective volumes. M. Mărgărit has published 11 ISI indexed papers, 35 papers in journals indexed in international databases and 15 studies in international collective volumes.
– Luminița Duță – experienced researcher – is Professor at the Automation and Computer Science Department at ”Valahia” University of Târgoviște, with 20 years’ experience in higher education. In 2006, she obtained her doctorate degree at the University of Franche-Comté Besançon, France, with a doctoral work in the field of automation. She has participated in four international projects and is a member of six professional associations (e.g., EURO Working Group on Multicriteria Decision Aiding, Societe francaise de Recherche Operationnelle et Aide a la Decision). She was part of the organizing committee of three international meetings. She created the Research Platform of ”Valahia” University of Târgoviște (http://webhost3.valahia.ro/site/login.php) and is the author and co-author of seven books and over 30 studies in national and international journals.
– Valentin Radu – experienced researcher – has spent 25 years working in the field of archaeozoology archeoichtiology and malacology, with a PhD at the University of Provence Aix-Marseille, France. He has been involved in 28 projects in the field of prehistoric archaeozoology, both in Romania and abroad (France, Armenia and Russia). His publications include: two single-author books; five co-authored books; 10 papers in journals indexed in ISI WEB of Knowledge; 26 papers in BDI indexed journals, etc.
– Ion Torcică – postdoctoral researcher – obtained his PhD in 2017 at the “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology of the Romanian Academy. He was a member in two national research projects and author/co-author of 12 articles in BDI indexed journals and a book chapter. In recent years, he has shown interest in experimental archaeology, trying to reconstruct the techniques of processing vegetable fibers (Torcica 2015), as well as those related to hunting in the communities of Gumelniţa (using replicas of flint points) (Torcică 2018).
– Adina Boroneanț – in charge of the project from the part of the partner institution – archaeologist, specialization: prehistoric archaeology and archaeometry. She will ensure the archaeological background for the Early Prehistory. She was a team member in six national research projects and in one international research project. She was the main organizer of two international workshops. She co-organized (with the project leader) two international events. She has presented 51 studies at international scientific conferences and other 28 studies at national scientific conferences. Adina Boroneanț participated in numerous archaeological excavation and was a member of the National Archaeology Commission. She is the author of two books, has co-edited three collective volumes, she is co-author of 15 ISI indexed papers and of 40 papers published in journals indexed in international databases or in collective volumes.
– Anca-Diana Popescu – experienced researcher – archaeologist, specialization: prehistoric archaeology and archaeometry. She will ensure the archaeological background for the Eneolithic and the Bronze Age. She was team member in six national research projects, she has two edited volumes, is author /co-author of 36 studies in international databases or in peer-reviewed collective volumes; she has 60 scientific studies presented at national (42) and international conferences (18).