Studies on osseous objects specific to the Hamangia culture (5th millennium cal BC) have paid more attention to exotic raw materials, such as the Spondylus valve or the Antalis shell, to the detriment of local raw materials such as bone. However, the latter can also provide us with important technological and cultural information about prehistoric communities. In this study we propose to reconstruct the caprine bones scheme of transformation into rings, based on the technological analysis, as it was identified in the settlement of Cheia (Constanța County, Romania). Our approach was also facilitated by the identification of artifacts in various stages of transformation, from debitage waste to finished items with traces of use-wear. Next, an experimental program has been developed that allows for the recording of all variables: the sequence of procedures starting from the archaeological pieces, the types of tools used, time recorded for each operation, etc. The purpose of the experimental program was to validate the proposed technical transformation scheme for obtaining the bone rings.
Production of bone rings at the Hamangia settlement of Cheia (Romania): a technological and experimental analysis (Authors: Monica Mărgărit, Valentina Voinea), Pontica (BDI indexed journal), 53, 2020, p. 89-107