The present study focuses on the experimental reconstruction of two typologically different red deer arrow points, found at the tell site from Vităneşti Măgurice (Teleorman County). Investigations at the site have been ongoing since 1993. The last level of the B1 phase of the Gumelniţa-Karanovo VI culture has been fully investigated as well as some areas of the lower levels. Specific to this site is the osseous industry, which includes numerous bone and antler points. From a morphological point of view, six distinct point types have been identified at the site. During the experiments we used fragments of deer antlers of various ages, flint tools and sandstone. The research questions aimed at the manufacture duration of each type of arrow point, the complexity of the technical procedures and their efficiency. The last issue, as well tool modification during each stage of antler processing were also considered. We were able to observe that the two arrow points required different workloads. For the first, a larger workload and more complicated operations were needed. Few flint tools were necessary, but this was compensated by an increased volume of knowledge and know-how. The easier replication of the second type may explain the large number of similar artefacts found at Vităneşti Măgurice. Future experiments will show if a shorter time for obtaining the points can be achieved and whether the skills of using flint tools can be improved. Bone should also be utilized as a raw material
Experimental replication of the antler arow points from Vităneşti Măgurice-tell settlement (Author: Ion Torcică), in: M. Mărgărit, A. Boroneanț (eds.), Recreating artefacts and ancient skills: from experiment to interpretation, Cetatea de Scaun, 2022, p. 79-102