Experimental replication of the antler arow points from Vităneşti Măgurice-tell settlement (Author: Ion Torcică), in: M. Mărgărit, A. Boroneanț (eds.), Recreating artefacts and ancient skills: from experiment to interpretation, Cetatea de Scaun, 2022, p. 79-102

Experimental replication of the antler arow points from Vităneşti Măgurice-tell settlement (Author: Ion Torcică), in: M. Mărgărit, A. Boroneanț (eds.), Recreating artefacts and ancient skills: from experiment to interpretation, Cetatea de Scaun, 2022, p. 79-102

The present study focuses on the experimental reconstruction of two typologically different red deer arrow points, found at the tell site from Vităneşti Măgurice (Teleorman County). Investigations at the site have been ongoing since 1993. The last level of the B1...
Shell gastropods as prehistoric adornments at the Lower Danube: archaeological and experimental data (Author: Monica Mărgărit), in: M. Mărgărit, A. Boroneanț (eds.), Recreating artefacts and ancient skills: from experiment to interpretation, Cetatea de Scaun, 2022, p. 163-182

Shell gastropods as prehistoric adornments at the Lower Danube: archaeological and experimental data (Author: Monica Mărgărit), in: M. Mărgărit, A. Boroneanț (eds.), Recreating artefacts and ancient skills: from experiment to interpretation, Cetatea de Scaun, 2022, p. 163-182

Processed gastropods transformed into personal adornments were discovered in several prehistoric settlements at the Lower Danube. These archaeological sites include both local and exotic species most likely procured through inter-community exchange networks. Most were...
Processing Unio sp. valves for adornments at the Gumelnița communities (mill. V BC): archaeological and experimental data (Authors: Monica Margarit, Valentin Radu), Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica (BDI indexed journal),  vol. 25(issue 1), p. 13-36, https://doi.org/10.29302/auash.2020.25.1.2

Processing Unio sp. valves for adornments at the Gumelnița communities (mill. V BC): archaeological and experimental data (Authors: Monica Margarit, Valentin Radu), Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica (BDI indexed journal), vol. 25(issue 1), p. 13-36, https://doi.org/10.29302/auash.2020.25.1.2

Valves of the Unio sp. processed to be made into personal adornments are discovered from several settlements of Gumelnița culture (the second half of the 5th millennium B.C.). These assemblages includes pieces in different phases of transformation, from irregular...